Questions on high-profile local issues from the Conservative Group at NELC’s Full Council on Thursday.
The Conservative Opposition Group on North East Lincolnshire Council has tabled the following questions on notice for the North East Lincolnshire Full Council meeting on Thursday evening:
“The poor communication with residents and stakeholders and the continued absence of a traffic management plan for the impact of the much opposed installation of signals to replace Tollbar roundabout is worrying for all in the borough. Can the portfolio holder personally commit to delivering a suitable plan which recognises the needs of residents and businesses, particularly in the New Waltham, and provide a timetable for doing so?” To be asked by Cllr Steve Harness
“Could the portfolio holder explain where we are with the proposed cinema development and whether £3.7 million allocated in the capital programme will enable this much needed development to come to fruition?” To be asked by Cllr Callum Proctor
“At the full council meeting on Thursday 21st February, during the Budget debate, Councillor Patrick stated that provision had been included to assist “In Bloom” groups. Could Councillor Patrick tell me what provision has been given to Immingham in Bloom?” To be asked by Cllr Stewart Swinburn
“On the 13th December 2018 this Council resolved: That the resurfacing of the section of Fieldhouse Road between the shopping precinct and Midfield Road be referred to the Portfolio Holder for the Environment and Transport Energy for re-prioritisation for delivery as part of the 2018/19 highways maintenance programme. Could the Portfolio Holder please explain why this stretch of road to be resurfaced is not scheduled in the 2018/21 Local Transport Plan capital programme in accordance with the wish of full council of 13th December 2018?” To be asked by Cllr John Fenty
“In an open letter to residents, Labour members for Freshney Ward have publicly confirmed residents’ concerns regarding Friday collections missed and not emptied until the following Monday or Tuesday. Could I ask the portfolio holder what measures are being undertaken to ensure these missed collections are not a recurring problem?” To be asked by Cllr Callum Proctor
North East Lincolnshire’s Full Council meeting is at Cleethorpes Town Hall on Thursday 21 March commencing at 7 pm.
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