
New larger street litter bins to be fitted across North East Lincolnshire

New larger street litter bins to be fitted across North East Lincolnshire

North East Lincolnshire Council is upgrading its litter bins in streets and parks so they can hold more rubbish.

Most of the old bins will be replaced with larger bins that hold more litter to reduce the risk of them overflowing and looking unsightly.

The new designs will make it easier and safer for staff to empty them so they can carry out their rounds efficiently. They also include panels for advertising and other public information.

It costs North East Lincolnshire Council about £10,000 a year to repair and maintain the bins. Upgrading the bins will help reduce these costs and make them easier to maintain.

While the overall number of bins will be slightly reduced, the overall capacity for litter will be increased.

The upgrading programme also includes:

  • A review of the routes used when emptying the bins to make them more efficient
  • A pilot of large bins at entrances and exits to a selected park
  • A pilot of a small number of solar compacting litter bins
  • Fitting of electronic tags to monitor the new solar bins and indicate when they need emptying

The upgrading programme only applies to bins that North East Lincolnshire Council is responsible for.

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