In a warning over cybersecurity, the most hacked passwords have been revealed. Passwords that are easily guessed and used across more than one site are highlighted as a major gap in online security practices of UK internet users.
A survey by National Cyber Security revealed that British internet users do not know how to protect themselves from cybercrime. Less than half used a strong separate password for their main email account.
The most common passwords were 123456, 123456789, qwerty, password,111111. Using the same password over a number of sites should be avoided. Never use an easy to guess password like a first name or your favourite football team or favourite band.
It is recommended that you use hard to guess passwords which could be combining three memorable words. The most common name used in a password was Ashley followed by Michael, Daniel, Jessica, and Charlie.
The most common football team used was Liverpool and the most common music act password used was Blink 182.
Troy Hunt a security researcher for website Have I Been Pwned who helped with the list, said internet users need to be more creative with their passwords.
Lots of advice has been published by the National Security Centre to help you.
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