
Jealous bully tried to murder girlfriend.


Jealous bully tried to murder girlfriend.

Thomas Allen confessed that he wanted to kill his girlfriend so that nobody else could have her. He tried to strangle his petrified girlfriend with a cord from her own dressing gown.

He confessed that if he had carried on another minute she would have been dead.  Thomas Allen went to his girlfriend’s house in breach of a domestic violence order protection order.

When she told him she wanted to end the relationship he threw a picture frame, smashing it and then hurled another one and said he could not let her be with anyone else. He later told police that he had tried to kill her  His girlfriend was in fear of him. When she ended up on the floor he took the cord from her dressing gown.

He wrapped the cord around her neck and pulled it tighter and tighter, she passed out. He is believed to have told police that he tried to kill her but could not do it. The woman’s nose was bleeding but she had no other visible injuries.

Thomas Allen of Sutcliffe Ave Grimsby admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and also damaging picture frames on March 16th. He had convictions for 14 previous offences which included assault causing actual bodily harm and assault.

He was jailed for 16 months and given a 5-year restraining order.


What help is available if you are suffering from domestic abuse.

Information about some of the options that may be available to help you


Refuge Accommodation
If you need emergency refuge supported accommodation, anytime – Call 575757. (24 Hour support) – also, see our ‘Refuge’ page on this website to find out more information and see pictures.

Outreach Workers
Our Outreach Workers offer emotional support and a listening ear to those experiencing abuse – this includes anyone who may not want to live in a refuge.
We offer you, someone, to talk to about your options, in confidence and face-to-face in a safe location when the option of leaving or staying can be discussed.​
Outreach Workers can also support male victims.

Telephone Support 
Call us on 575757 – for a chat. We are there to listen if that is all you need or we may be able to give you options and choices about things that are worrying you. Please make sure you are safe to make the call as phone calls may appear on bills or may be traced. You can reverse the charges (via the operator) if you have got no money. We operate a 24-hour emergency helpline.

Email Support 
You can contact us via email –
BUT REMEMBER please make sure it is safe for you to send and to receive our reply, as emails can be easily traced.

Domestic Violence ‘Drop-In’ Session 
Staff is available to offer confidential advice and support to women and girls who are experiencing any form of Domestic Abuse. No appointments are necessary.

Tuesday anytime between 1-3pm or Thursday anytime between 9.30-11.30am
Both Drop-Ins are at our Women’s Centre, 36 Brighowgate, Grimsby

Safety Planning
Our Support Workers can help you to do safety planning – on a personal one-to-one basis.  This simply means identifying all the risks of leaving and/or all the risks of staying in an abusive relationship.  Alternatively, our Safety Planning handbook is available to download on our homepage.  National Women’s Aid has developed a safe guide to social media and Facebook – this is also available to download from our homepage.

If you are concerned for your own or someone else’s immediate safety always ring the Police on 999. Alternatively, you can ring the Police for a non-emergency on 101. The Domestic Abuse Team within the Police (including Independent Advisors) are on 721225 or 721224.  Although you do not have to report the violence to the Police we would encourage this as reporting it builds a case against the perpetrator.

    . . . . . a word of caution – Leaving a violent and abusive relationship is often really dangerous time. The abusers can feel they are losing control in the relationship. This may result in the violence getting worse and you may be at higher risk – make sure you get support to leave. (see below)

Men experiencing domestic violence (Also see more information on our ‘Domestic Violence’ page) Men who are experiencing domestic abuse can receive support from one of our Support Workers on 588888 or 575757.
Alternatively, there is a national Male Advice & Enquiry Line offering confidential support, information, and practical advice.

Open: Monday – Friday 10am- 1pm and 2pm – 5pm
Call 0808 801 0327 (free from landlines and most mobiles)
Email Website

Survivors is a support and advice group for women who have experienced domestic abuse. The group meet every Friday at 9.30am. (Only during term-time) For more information ring Maria on 575757.

National Domestic Violence Helpline 
Freephone 24 Hour 0808 2000 247

Do you need to move away? 
Women’s Aid can access refuges and support across the country.  If you need to move aware for safety reasons or to be nearer to your family – give us a call.

Do you have a disability? 
Women’s Aid will accommodate and support victims who have a disability. The accommodation has disabled access but support for additional needs or requirements such as visual or hearing support can be provided according to individual need.

Legal Rights 
Some people who are experiencing domestic abuse may have legal rights and options available to them. Women’s Aid staff can help you to gain more information or even go with you to see a solicitor.  Alternatively, you can access affordable legal help directly by visiting – they are based in Hull but are accessible to anyone.

Women’s Aid staff have access to Housing Support Officers who will give you information and advice regarding your housing situation. Alternatively, you can visit to find out more information about your housing needs relating to domestic abuse

Survivors Handbook
National Women’s Aid has developed a Survivors Handbook – to download a copy click


Other Agencies / Services that may be of use to you:

Carelink01472 312312
Emergency telephone alarms for vulnerable people
CARE Rent Scheme01472 232310
Assistance in obtaining tenancies through private landlords
Child Support Agency08457 133 133
Citizens Advice Bureau01472 252500
Disability Benefits0800 88 22 00
Domestic Violence Police Officer01472 721224/5
Doorstep01472 321444
Accommodation and support for young people
Foundations 01472 266999
Drugs and alcohol support and information
Harbour Place01472 344118
Day centre for homeless and needy people
Havelok / Longhurst Homes01472 343486
Homeless Dept, NEL Council01472 326401
Hospital01472 874111
Job Centre Plus0800 055 6688
Lone Parent Advisors0845 604 3719
Male Victim Helpline01472 588888
Mental Health Crisis Team01472 252360
NHS – Health Line0845 4647
NHS – GP Out of Hours01472 265222
NSPCC National Help Line0808 800 5000
Open Door – Health Centre01472 722000
Open Minds – Mental Health Support01472 625100
Rape Crisis0800 197 4787
Salvation Army01472 289279
Samaritans01472 353111
Shoreline Housing0845 849 2000
Victim Support01472 250251
Volunteer Bureau01472 231123


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