
Former Royal Navy serviceman distributed indecent images of children.


Former Royal Navy Serviceman distributed indecent images of children.

Stephen Armstrong of Bentley Street Cleethorpes a former Royal Navy serviceman was jailed at Grimsby Crown Court for sharing indecent images of children,

He worked in IT for 18 years, when police raided his home they found that he had hidden two apps on his phone to pedophile sites. When the phone was examined it is believed police found many messages he had shared with children as young as eight. It is thought he sent adult pornographic images and photos of his genitalia. He also engaged in messages of a sexual nature.

It is believed that the number of images he distributed was low but two of them were classed as category A the worst kind. He has two children and four grandchildren and is disgusted with himself.

He was jailed for 26 months and ordered to register as a sex offender for 10 years. Also, a Sexual prevention order was imposed which means he cannot be in the company of children under the age of 16. And his use of the internet will be monitored by police and restricted.

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