
NELincs Believes

#NELincsBelieves is about you and what makes your life tick!

It’s about what gives you direction in life.  That might be religious faith, it could be humanism, it might be related to your cultural identity, it could be any number of belief structures that helps you shape your life….

Articles here will advertise faith and cultural events going on in NELincs.  They’ll also explain more about what particular groups in NELincs believe, highlighting significant festivals and celebrations.  #NELincsBelieves will be a place where we can learn about each other, and celebrate both our diversity and our commonality.

If you have something you’d like to share, just get in touch via email

Contact Gi Grimsby
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Follows us on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest local stories, breaking news and to join the conversation

Mary Vickers moved to North East Lincolnshire in 2010, from the Wiltshire/Hampshire border, to become Urban and Industrial Chaplain NELincs. Made redundant in 2017, she's maintained many of her connections within the business, faith, and other local communities. She's also decided to stay here rather than return to either the south or her husband's native Yorkshire, so that she can continue to enjoy and help promote the positives of NELincs.

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