Cleethorpes Churches Working Together do just what their name says – they encourage Christian churches in Cleethorpes of all different denominations to do things together rather than separately wherever that’s appropriate.
This coming Sunday is Pentecost, the festival that used to be called Whit Sunday or Whitsun. It is often thought of as the Church’s birthday. So, Churches Together in Cleethorpes are working together to put on a picnic in Pier Gardens – and, yes, there will be a birthday cake!
The birthday celebrations will start with lunch at 1pm. You’re invited to either bring a picnic or buy fish and chips locally to bring with you. After everyone’s eaten, there will be a special service at 1:45pm, at which the Salvation Army Timbrel group will play.
Everyone is welcome to either or both parts of the celebration – just bring a deck chair or picnic rug if you want to sit down.
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