
More than half of men would rather spend time with their best friend than wife or girlfriend.


More than half of men would rather spend time with their best friend than wife or girlfriend.

Many rows between partners are caused over the amount of time men spend with their friends, but now a survey has shown that 54% of men would rather spend time with their friends than with their wives or girlfriends. And 44% of men argue with their other half about the amount of time they spend with their friends. On average a man has five friends and will see them three times a week on average. But many men think this is not enough 27% said they would like to see their friends more often.

Their best friend was the funniest person they know according to 27% of men, and only 20% chose their wives. A whopping 69% think that men are more loyal than women.

But at least 62% said they would rather go on holiday with their partner than their friends, and 84% said their partner knows them better than anyone else.

On average a male friendship will last for 19 years. But 30% said they had had a punch up with a pal, they then made up after.

It was found in the research that many young men felt that with friends they could share emotions more easily, but they felt they had to put a facade on for their partners.

The study was released to mark the DVD release of San & Ollie which is about the friendship between Laurel and Hardy.

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