
The Society Weekender inspired by Glastonbury

Glastonbury the most famous of music events has been the inspiration behind the first ever Society Weekender.

Society’s brand is Sport – Music – Film and with the sporting calendar tightening and the summer slowly on the horizon the focus switches to Music & Film not forgetting of course the US Open or Women’s World Cup.

An outspoken advocate of local collaboration, Brett Smith has along with some serious helping hands from those in the know put together a three day calendar of Glastonbury type events focused on Music & Film.

Thursday 28th June at 8pm kickstarts the weekend with Society’s very own Music Bingo, a  glasto-themed boozy Bingo event where numbers are no where to be seen and the DJ teases you with musical intro’s for you to win a line or in fact shout….BINGO!

Friday-Sunday is all about music and film where over 30 local artists play, perform, act out and deliver their favourite musical genres and talents cushioned between live feed performances of certain Glastonbury sets on Society’s 80 sq ft screen and 8 of huge TV’s.

A mixture of acoustic, double acts, bands and live DJ’s from the local area that are mainly played inside are complimented by classic films such as Pulp Fiction, Jurassic Park and Back To The Future played outside.

You’ll be able to eat some great street food put together by numerous local businesses with a very special Cronut Wall, yes Cronut not Donut Wall making its premier in Cleethorpes full of wonderful flavours for all the feast on.

Lots of local businesses will have a space during the event; Docks Beer’s will have plenty of influence on the beer selection as will Message In A Bottle. The soon to be back Copper will offer various teasers of their new cocktail menu and with other local businesses selling their merchandise it is sure to be a great show of local talent & enterprise.

Why do we need to go out of town says Brett, look what we have here. My first thought is always, right; let’s get everyone involved and make this a celebration of what we have and that’s proved by the interest, the support and collaborations with all the other businesses showing up throughout the weekend to showcase their products & services.

A full calendar of events will come out shortly and a profile on many of the local artists & businesses to give you a flavour of what’s to come but for now if you’re into your music, film, street food, craft beer & local merchandise then this is where you need to be.

Wristbands will be available for a charitable donation no minimum asked for by Brett, but just another nod to his passion of supporting local as he continues to support his chosen charity Inspire TCI.

If you come up to the guys and ask for a wrist band we expect to hear the bucket rattle, that’s it; no one will look at you and judge how many times coins hit the bottom; I mean of course we prefer the silent rattle as notes don’t make a noise- no seriously; every little helps as one the corporate supermarket giants say, and they’re right.

In typical Glastonbury style away from the music and film Society will hold its very own Yoga sessions on Saturday & Sunday mornings as well as Box Fit in association with Unit One and HIIT with Chantelle Dean

Glastonbury isn’t just about music, film and getting drunk it’s much more of a rounded festival and again we’ve worked with local people to hopefully propel their businesses from a different angle and support what they do. With Armed Forces Weekend on the same weekend we expect a lot of people to be about from all over the country and if they pop into Society they will see just how great Cleethorpes is, Brett goes on to say.

For more information go to their Facebook and check out their event

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