
Humbug the nanny state wants to ban our old fashioned favourite sweets.


Humbug the nanny state wants to ban our old fashioned favourite sweets.

Do you love toffee bonbons? or fizzy sherbert filled sweets maybe your favourite was fruit salads or blackjacks or chocolate limes. Often they were our rewards from parents, we would relish them because they were a rare treat.

But now they will possibly disappear as Public Health England on the order of ministers,  has told manufacturers that in future sweets should contain less than 50 percent sugar. Which will mean that for instance, boiled sweets would not survive as they are made of nearly 100 percent sugar. Likewise, sherbert lemons, humbugs, bulls eyes, parma violets, pear drops, cola cubes, sherbert fountains and my personal favourite bonbons will all be extinct. Jelly babies, liquorice allsorts and chews are all two-thirds sugar so these too will fall short of the rules.

But do these rules ignore where the real problem lies with taking the spotlight off so-called healthy foods in which the sugar is hidden. Such as smoothies, breakfast cereals, and baked goods. In some cases, smoothies can contain more sugar than Coca Cola and research has shown that fruit juice is as bad for teeth as fizzy drinks. Smoothies and fruit juice have escaped the sugar tax that was introduced on fizzy drinks last year.

In days gone past there was no smartphones or I pads instead we would play outdoors whenever we could, rounders, hide and seek skipping and many other active games and we would have healthy homemade meals every day. It is not down to eating sherbert lemons that we have got an obesity crisis, it is because of an excess of sweet food, cheap fast foods, home-delivered savoury addictive snacks, deals on buckets of fried chicken and bumper packs of frozen oven chips, cakes, and biscuits which are available all day long.

It is wrong to take it out on old fashioned sweets, they should be allowed in recognition of good behaviour, or something to mark a special occasion or simply as an expression of love.


Source Daily mail.

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