

Scunthorpe Samaritans and Barton Football Club have struck a deal to raise awareness of mental health issues.

The reserve team strip now sports the logo of Scunthorpe Samaritans after the charity agreed to provide sponsorship.
Scunthorpe Samaritans wants to become more visible in Barton and the surrounding area. And encourage more people to look for help in their time of need.

Above: Barton Town FC and Scunthorpe Samaritans volunteers at the launch of the new reserve team kit.

Barton has ties with Samaritans as the charity’s founder Chad Varah was born in the town. A garden in Baysgarth Park is dedicated to his memory.

Last year former Barton Town Mayor Councillor Nigel Pinchbeck raised more than £6,500 for Scunthorpe Samaritans. The branch promised to re-invest some of that into the town.

It’s the latest sports deal struck by Scunthorpe Samaritans as the charity encourages men and young people to seek help when they need it. Statistics from Samaritans show the rate of death as a result of suicide is three times higher among men than women. The charity is also the shirt sponsor of Scunthorpe Rugby Club juniors and Messingham Cricket Club.

Scunthorpe Samaritans is sponsoring the reserve team kit because it is the most worn by the players. They wear their reserve team clothing at the ground and day-to-day. This means people in Barton and beyond will have more opportunities to see the logo.

Above: Barton footballers show off the back of their new shirts, sponsored by Scunthorpe Samaritans.

As part of the deal an eye-catching hoarding board also features the Scunthorpe Samaritans logo. And the club will fundraise for the charity.

Liam Graham, the Reserve Team Manager, said: “Mental health is a big thing in sport, but it isn’t an easy subject. We should use the power of sport to raise awareness.
“As team manager it’s important my lads realise there is someone to turn to when they need help.

“People will see the Scunthorpe Samaritans logo as the players walk around in their kit. So, more people will become aware of Samaritans and what they’re about.”

Halyna De Boer, Director of Scunthorpe Samaritans, said: “We want people to understand it’s okay to not be okay. We know men are our target audience because they are reluctant to talk. We hope when people see the team wearing their shirts, in the pub or around town, they will feel better about sharing their problems.”

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