
To stop people taking their lives the Humber Bridge could have barriers raised.



To stop people taking their own lives the Humber Bridge could have barriers raised.

The Humber Bridge Board is going to back a study that may result in action being taken to prevent people from taking their lives from the Humber bridge,  after a number of tragic deaths.

They could raise the barriers on the Humber Bridge to stop people taking their own lives from the bridge.

It is believed that according to figures Humberside Police have been called to 380 people who were threatening to take their own lives at the bridge between 2015-2018.

In the same period of time, the force says that there have been five fatalities. Maritime and Coastguard Agency said that they are aware of 13 deaths.

Action may be taken to make it more difficult for people to climb on to the wrong side of the barrier.

The study comes about after increasing pressure from the public. After a number of tragic incidents at the bridge.


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