
A man was arrested in Royal Wooton Bassett last night on suspicion of possesion of a bladed article in a public place.

A man was arrested in Royal Wootton Bassett last night on suspicion of possession of a bladed article in a public place. 

Shortly after 10.30pm on November 14, Wiltshire Police received calls that a man had been seen in the High Street carrying a weapon.

A description of the man was given to officers who attended the area. A search was conducted and a man matching the description was located and detained for a search to be conducted.

A knife was located and a man in his 20s was arrested on suspicion of possession of a bladed article.

He remains in custody at Gablecross.

Sgt Rob Blake said: “We are grateful to the members of the public who called us to report their concerns, and provided a detailed description.

“It is completely unacceptable to carry a knife or any weapon in a public place and we will continue to investigate vigorously offences linked to knives or weapons.

“Regardless of whether a knife has been used or not, carrying one out and about in public is a not only dangerous, it is also an offence.”

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