
Thief jailed for 5 years after series of incidents.

A thief who stole a scissor lift, legs of lamb and hair straighteners has been jailed for five years.

Daniel Butler, 32, began his thieving spree at a Marks and Spencer petrol station in Bretton Way on 31 August where he wheeled away a £4000 scissor lift.

On 22 September he went to McDonald’s in Lincoln Road where he has seen an unattended bicycle and has taken it.

Three days later Butler entered Sports Direct in the Bretton Centre and placed numerous items into a bag and attempted to leave without paying. When the security alarm went off he threatened staff before running from the store with two pieces of clothing.

On 1 October he stole three legs of lamb from Farmfoods in Lincoln Road and threatened staff who tried to stop him leaving.

Butler, of no fixed abode, again targeted Sports Direct in Bretton on 5 October. He placed a pair of trainers in his bag and attempted to leave. When he was stopped by a member of staff he produced a knife and told them to get back.

Later that day he attempted to rob a woman who was withdrawing money from a cashpoint in Rightwell Way East, Bretton. Butler came up behind her and tried to grab the money that had been dispensed. When she resisted he said “I’ll knife you” but was then startled and ran away when the victim’s husband came over to help.

On 11 October he entered Sally Beauty in Maskew Avenue and asked to try a pair of hair straighteners. Once he was in possession of a pair worth £130 he said he wanted a different pair in an attempt to be left alone with them. However, the staff member asked for the first pair back at which point he said “come near me now and I will stab you” and left the shop with them.

In addition to the thefts on 6 September he repeatedly called his ex-partner – a breach of a non-molestation order in place since November 2018.

Butler pleaded guilty to four counts of theft from a shop, four counts of threatening with intent to cause fear, attempted robbery, theft of a cycle, theft by finidng and breach of a non-molestation order and possession of a knife.

Yesterday (14 November) at Peterborough Crown Court he was jailed for five years.

DC Cummings said: “Butler was a prolific offender who carried out his criminal activities without a care for the financial impact he was having on the businesses and the fear he was causing to the individuals who were just trying to do their jobs.

“This sentence will give him a long time to think about the harm he has caused.”Yes

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