Each week dog owners dedicate hours to walking their pet, ensuring their dog receives adequate exercise and stimulation in their routine. But, are all dog walkers aware of the widely accepted dog walking etiquette ‘rules’? Do dog owners need rules or should we all just be adopting some common sense?
These days dog attacks are not so uncommon, we all know someone who has a dog that has got into a scrape at some point in time and has been left licking their wounds.
So it’s no surprise that leading dog behaviour and training experts, Company of Animals, share their top tips for dog walkers to keep their dog safe and happy on their walk – and to avoid upsetting fellow dog walkers.
1. Respect the lead. It’s important to remember that while some dogs may be on a lead for convenience, some may be fearful of other dogs, injured or recovering from an issue or treatment, or just generally unsociable with other dogs.
2. Watch out for dogs wearing yellow be it a collar, harness or coat – this has become a signal for dog owners that their dog is nervous or needs space.
3. Ask before you play. Don’t assume that all dogs want to play. It’s always good dog walking etiquette to ask the dog’s owner if they are ok to play before allowing your dogs to interact.
4. Respect everyone. Dog walking etiquette extends outside the dog walking community too. Remember other people using public spaces deserve their own space too, particularly those that are nervous around dogs.
Do you follow of these rules? Do you have any other top tips for safe and responsible dog walking? How do you and your dog help to keep safe and seen during the winter?
Post your comments below to share with others.
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