
Terrorist sentencing – Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn challenges Johnson’s comments on prisoners serving everyday of their sentence.

Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News this morning that convicted terrorists should “not necessarily” serve their full prison sentences automatically after Boris Johnson said violent offenders “must serve every day of their sentence, with no exceptions”.

His comments come in the wake of the London Bridge terror attack, which left two civilians dead. Several videos have also started trending on social media about the oppositions leaders stance of Terrorists, including an attack on the SAS and most recently during an interview with Andrew Neil in which he wasn’t clear if he would give the ‘kill order’ if the situation arose.

Speaking to Sky’s Sophy Ridge, the Labour leader said there were lessons to be learned from the incident and there should be a “full investigation” into the circumstances around the attacker’s prison sentence and subsequent release.

He also added during the interview on Sky that

‘Shamima Begum should be brought back to Britain for questioning and possible charge’ – Jeremy Corbyn stands by his previous comments that the ISIS bride should not be left stateless.



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