
The best place in the UK to raise a child.


The best place in the UK to raise a child.

Based on schools and house prices North Lincolnshire is top of the list in the top ten places to live to raise a child. With North East Lincolnshire a close third. In a new study, the best and worst places to raise children were revealed.

North Lincolnshire came out on top scoring highly in all areas. The research was conducted by Oxford Homeschooling The study took into account a number of factors including school ratings, the percentage of school places available and affordability of housing.

North Lincolnshire which is loved for its community spirit and luscious green spaces got top marks. For its affordable property as well as having plenty of brilliant schools (over 86% were rated highly by Ofsted)

The ten best places to live with children.

1. North Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, and Humber.

2. Torbay South West.

3. North East Lincolnshire Yorkshire and Humber.

4. Calderdale, Yorkshire, and Humber.

5. Rotherham Yorkshire and the Humber.

6. Shropshire, West Midlands.

7. Central Bedfordshire, East Of England.

8. North Yorkshire, Yorkshire, and the Humber.

9. Cheshire West and Chester, North West.

10. Rutland East Midlands.


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