Massive amount of illegal tobacco found.
A taxi driver has been caught with secret stashes of a massive amount of illegal tobacco.
Police found 73,820 cigarettes and 40kg of hand-rolling tobacco worth more than £32,400 at a house on Silver Birch Way.
Some of the cigarettes had been hidden in Pampers nappy boxes under the bed. More cigarettes and tobacco had been hidden in a wardrobe.
James Allison 51 of Silver Birch Way was selling the items which had not had duty paid on them to raise extra cash. A total of £32,424 was evaded in excise duty.
He admitted fraudulently evading duty on May 21st. At Grimsby Crown Court he was given an eight month suspended sentence, 120 hours unpaid work and was ordered to pay £535 costs.
The cigarettes and tobacco will be forfeited.
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