£35,000 #WeAreOxford fund from City Council open for applications
The City Council is calling for applications to the £35,000 #WeAreOxford grant fund, for organisations to deliver activities and events that bring people from different backgrounds together to build long lasting friendships.
Organisations can apply for between £500-£5000 and the types of activities we will fund include social activities, community events, cultural, and educational or sports.
The money comes from central government funding and is being launched following Brexit for activity to strengthen communities and support migrants. It is in addition to the Council’s existing community grants programme.
The aims of the fund are to support organisations to:
- Bring people together from different backgrounds so they can spend time together and build long-lasting friendships.
- Encourage community organisations to set up activities and events that enhance community cohesion and integration.
- Encourage organisations who represent different groups to work in partnership with each other
Organisations wanting to apply have until 9 March to make their applications. They types of organisations we will fund include, community organisations, voluntary groups, charities, not for profit organisations, schools and educational institutions and sports clubs
Marie Tidball, Cabinet Member for Supporting Local Communities, said:
“This grant fund gives a significant boost to the community activities that we can support as the Council. By bringing people together in community activities we aim to create a shared experience and help strengthen bonds across communities around what we have in common.
“The last three years has been difficult for everyone as the Brexit debate put so much national focus on our differences. Now we want to celebrate what we have in common, and build connections at a local level so that everyone feels part of Oxford. The #WeAreOxford grant fund will enable groups to organise activities that are right for their localities, age groups, and communities to build stronger connections for the future.
“This fund enables us to do even more to support our communities. I’d encourage organisations to look at how they can help build cross-community links. We would welcome joint applications that help different groups work together, and ideas that use the great assets the council funds like community and leisure centres as affordable venues at the heart of their local area.”
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