
Near miss outside Signhills Academy

Following a near-miss traffic incident outside Signhills Academy in Cleethorpes, an appeal has been issued to parents.

It has asked them to consider the potential consequences surrounding their actions when dropping of and picking their children up from school.

Despite the efforts of staff at Signhills Academy which has included the issuing of regular newsletters and notices, parents are reportedly still parking on the double yellow lines on Hardy’s Road, and the zig-zag lines which are directly outside the school gates.

One concerned parent said:

“It has been a problem for some time, I have witnessed irresponsible parking and near misses on numerous occasions, but many just shake their heads and carried on walking.”

Another parent, Rachel Newbould, stated that her child has now been directly affected by a car which was parked irresponsibly outside of the school, and which almost reversed into her child. She said:

“It made contact with my son but stopped due to my scream before any injury was caused.”

“When I went into the office the following Monday there was already another parent in the office complaining that he and his daughter had also just had a near miss with a car outside the school gates.”

Parents have reportedly been seen causing obstructions and parking irresponsibly, and then listening to the radio or using their phones.

Ms Newbould added:

“They are truly oblivious to the chaos and potential danger they are causing.”

Latest reports have suggested that permission has been granted for parents to use Haverstoe Park car park.

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