3 Teenage girls taken to hospital after taking ecstasy at Tollbar Academy
An investigation is now underway at Tollbar Academy following an incident where three teenage girls were taken to hospital after taking ecstasy.
Staff were alerted to the unusual behaviour of three female students, who were quickly removed from the school and taken to hospital in ambulances. It is alleged that they took ecstasy during morning break-time.
Humberside Police were alerted.
The school says it has a touch stance on drugs, and that it carries out random searches in a bid to curb any illicit substances being used by its students or taken into school.
Parents of those involved were alerted and also attended hospital.
Speaking to Gi Media, one eyewitness said:
“Three girls were removed from my class at around 2:30 today (4th March.)
They were taken to hospital in an ambulance. It was absolutely horrible seeing their behaviour around school.
Their eyes were rolling back and forth and they were clearly very dizzy and unstable. It was really frightening.
I’m not sure what their punishment will be…”
The incident comes three months after another student at Tollbar school was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply.
Humberside Police were also involved in the December investigation.
Today Caroline Yates, Principal of Tollbar Academy, has reiterated the school’s position on drugs. She said:
“We are aware of an incident involving three of our students and an investigation is underway. We are unable to comment on individual cases.”
Phil Bond, Chair of Governors at Tollbar Academy, added:
“All students are aware of our very strict policy on inappropriate substances. There can be no excuses in these instances and our zero tolerance policy means permanent exclusion.”
No arrests have been made.
A spokesperson for Tollbar Academy has said that due to the students having “knowingly used an illegal substance on site,” the three year nine girls have now been permanently excluded.
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