Off-licences added to list of ‘essential’ retailers
Off-licences have now been added to the government’s updated list of the essential retailers which are allowed to stay open during the coronavirus lockdown.
They were added to the list on Wednesday following reports supermarkets are fast selling out of beers and wines. Pubs are also reporting that much of their business had now shifted to supermarkets, after they were required to close under new restrictions.
Tim Martin, head of Wetherspoons, was among those to complain that he had lost trade to supermarkets.
The list of essential retailers put together by the Cabinet Office now includes “off-licences and licensed shops selling alcohol, including those within breweries”.
Exactly what qualifies as essential has caused widespread confusion since the outset.
Director General of the CBI business organisation Carolyn Fairbairn says many businesses are being criticised for remaining open, but in fact they just “do not know whether to stay open or to close”.
She has requested that the government clarify the situation for businesses, although many employees have also reported confusion regarding whether their jobs qualify as essential.
Thus far, the government have issued the following list of what they regard as essential retailers:
- Supermarkets and other food shops
- Pharmacies
- Off-licences and licensed shops selling alcohol, including those within breweries
- Petrol stations
- Newsagents
- Bicycle shops
- Home and hardware stores
- Launderettes and dry cleaners
- Garages
- Pet shops
- Post offices
- Banks
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