
The locals supporting Lindsey Lodge Hospice through crisis

The locals supporting Lindsey Lodge Hospice through crisis

The locals supporting Lindsey Lodge Hospice through crisis

Following an emergency appeal for support issued by Lindsey Lodge Hospice in Scunthorpe, the organisation has received an influx of support from locals. In these worrying and uncertain times, we take a look at some of those striving to keep their communities afloat.

In light of the current crisis, and the UK Government’s social distancing and lockdown measures, Lindsey Lodge Hospice have been forced to close their retails stores, and cancel many of the other facilities and fundraising initiatives that keep the charity afloat.

The organisation recently issued an urgent appeal to help it survive the dramatic financial impact of the pandemic.

Lindsey Lodge Hospice are anticipating losses in excess of £500,000.

Maureen Georgiou, Director of Nursing and Patient Services and Deputy Chief Executive, said:

“We’re in unprecedented times due to the Covid-19 pandemic and are doing everything possible to keep our Inpatient Unit fully operational.

“We’re working around the clock to continue to deliver our specialist palliative care and our clinical staff have gone above and beyond, putting their workplace and our patients first at such a difficult time.

“The reduction in our income could have a devastating impact on our ability to continue caring for thousands of local patients and families who rely on our services annually.

“We want to be able to care for patients now and in the future, so we’ve launched an Emergency Appeal and are asking local people and supporters past and present to give us their support.”

One local, Ian Fowler, raised an incredible £1,428 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice in just four days with his sponsored head shave. Ian’s aim was to raise £300. Ian soon surpassed his target after receiving phenomenal support from friends, family and colleagues. Ian said:

“In these troubling times while I’m safe and well at home with my family, I wanted to do something to support the hard working, wonderful staff that are keeping Lindsey Lodge Hospice going.”

The locals supporting Lindsey Lodge Hospice through crisis

Another, Martin Foster, generously donated £500 to Lindsey Lodge after seeing their emergency appeal. He said:

“I knew I was about to receive some redundancy money, so I thought I would to try and help by donating some of it to the hospice after I saw the emergency appeal.

“I’ve supported Lindsey Lodge ever since a very close friend of mine passed away there. Since then I’ve managed to arrange a regular annual donation from my trade union branch, the Unite Scunthorpe Steelworks Branch and made other small personal donations. My wife Julie and I often donate to the Hospice shops. 

“I’ve seen first-hand the high standard of care, support and respect that is provided by Lindsey Lodge, not just to the patients, but to their friends and family too. I believe it’s really important that we do as much as we can to help support the Hospice at such a difficult time.

“I will, and do, encourage people to support the Hospice and what they do and I’ll continue to do so. It’s a service we may all need at some point, but as it’s a charity, it’s down to us, the public, to make sure places like this survive for when we may need them most.”

The locals supporting Lindsey Lodge Hospice through crisis

Supporters can make donations to Lindsey Lodge Hospice here.

Scunthorpe Samaritans also recently launched an appeal for support.

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