
Authorities ask public to donate old phones to local children

Authorities ask public to donate old phones to local children

Authorities ask public to donate old phones to local children

North East Lincolnshire Council, in conjunction with staff at Broadway Children’s Centre in Grimsby are asking the public to donate their old phones to children who are in the care of the local authority.

Whilst many of us have been able to overcome challenges of keeping in touch with friends and relatives during the current lockdown by using smartphones and digital devices, a number of children in the borough have had to go without seeing any of their relatives for weeks on end due to their unique circumstances.

Most affected, are children who are in the care of the local authority.

Children and young people who, due to individual circumstances, cannot live at home or with extended family, do often keep in touch with extended family and relatives through scheduled visits arranged by the Council.

Councillor Ian Lindley, portfolio holder for children, education and young people at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“Since the Government first imposed the lockdown in March, many of the young people have been unable to see their relatives or talk to them over a digital device.

“Many of us have old phones that we’ve kept in a drawer or left on the side after we’ve upgraded that could be put to better use.

“Not everyone has access to the internet and smart phones – this is a way you could make a real difference to someone’s life during this pandemic.

“These are some great kids who have been removed from their families – more often than not through no fault of their own – and they just want that contact that they look forward to. For them this is a huge struggle.

“We’re asking people and businesses to donate their old smartphones if they can. We’ve all chucked our old devices in a drawer on left it on a shelf when we’ve upgraded, so this is a chance to give it a new lease of life and help make someone’s day.”

To donate your old smartphone, check the list below to make sure it meets the necessary criteria, which can be found here.

You can then drop it off, enclosing your name and contact details, and following the Government’s guidelines around social distancing, at Broadway Children’s Centre BroadwayGrimsby, North East Lincs, DN34 5RS on a Tuesday or Thursday morning between 10am and 12noon.

You can also arrange collection by emailing the Council at

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