£5m scheme to save Corporation Bridge
North East Lincolnshire Council are hoping to have a £5m scheme approved to save Corporation Bridge in Grimsby.
Originally built in 1925, Corporation Bridge had it’s last refurbishment in 1980.
Its condition has deteriorated considerably since.
It is feared that if work is not carried out on the Grade II listed bridge on Corporation Road, in a worst case scenario the bridge might be closed entirely.
If the repairs cannot be completed then a Loading Assessment will be carried out on it, which could see the implementation of weight restrictions.
This would heavily impact on traffic congestion within the town and economic development.
As the bridge is listed, there is also the possibility of the Secretary of State serving an S54 Notice to require its repair.
A council report said:
“The bridge forms an important link between Grimsby town centre and the A180 and Port of Grimsby. If a lack of remedial works forces a closure or weight limit on the bridge, resulting traffic issues will have a significant impact on congestion and effect the viability of economic development opportunities within the town centre.
“If required works are not undertaken it will be necessary to undertake a Loading Assessment which may lead to a weight limit in order to protect the structure and road users. Also, as the bridge is listed, the Secretary of State may serve an S54 Notice to require its repair.
“If the bridge is left to deteriorate it will begin to lose its historical relevance, and will become less of a ‘point of pride’ for the town. The prolonged deterioration means more of the substance of the bridge will be lost which could affect its authenticity when repaired.
“Should the scheme not be approved, and the bridge condition deteriorates to a level where undertaking reactive maintenance cannot maintain the bridge in a safe condition, the highway authority may have to close Corporation Road Bridge to remove any risk of danger and injury to highway users.”
The bridge will likely be closed for a long period of time, with diversions in place, while the work is being carried out.
It is not yet known how long works would take, or what they would involve.
A complete refurbishment is expected to cost £4.967m.
North East Lincolnshire Council Cabinet are set on contributing £1.83million to the project fund.
The Department for Transport are expected to commit a further £2.967 million in grant funding.
A virtual meeting of the council cabinet is due to take place at 4pm on Friday to determine the fate of Corporation Bridge, and whether the scheme is likely to go ahead.
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