
Doncaster thief racially assaults Police Officer

Police in 11 mile chase through Doncaster

Doncaster thief racially assaults Police Officer

A judge has jailed a thief from Doncaster who racially assaulted a police officer by spitting at him during the coronavirus pandemic.

Sheffield Crown Court heard on June 8 how Mark Morris, aged 50, of Wharf Road, Doncaster, was originally confronted by police after he burgled a flat at a homeless hostel on Wharf Road in Doncaster.

It is alleged that he took several items including a television.

Morris was arrested, which prompted him to racially insult and assault a police officer by spitting at him.

Judge Sarah Wright told Morris:

“Those who commit crimes during a period of national emergency must expect a more serious view of their conduct than during any other period.

“You deliberately spat at an officer, in effect, threatening to infect him with the COVID-19 virus and expressing a wish to do so.”

CCTV was consulted, and it became apparent the defendant had gone into the flat and stolen the items.

Following the defendant’s arrest, Morris complained of having stomach cramps and was taken to Doncaster Royal Infirmary.

He then became abusive to a police officer, swearing and shouting at him.

Morris spat at the officer, flicked spital towards him and threw a yoghurt at him and after the defendant was handcuffed he launched into a foul-mouthed tirade of racially abusive insults and said he wanted him to die.

Morris’ previous convictions include burglary and racially-aggravated assault.

It is alleged that Morris suffers with mental health issues and pancreatitis.

Doncaster man Mark Morris was sentenced to 24-months in custody after he racially assaulted a police officer.

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