
Save Cleethorpes’ Jungle Zoo!

jungle zoo

Save Cleethorpes’ Jungle Zoo!

In light of the difficulties faced by local businesses due to the coronavirus crisis, a drive has been started to save Cleethorpes’ Jungle Zoo.

Like many similar attractions, the Jungle Zoo is currently experiencing harsh financial difficulties, as it costs an estimated £3000-£6000 per month to keep the zoo operational.

Many staff have had to volunteer their time, as paying wages has also become difficult.

This morning, the announcement was made that outdoor attractions such as zoos and safari parks would be allowed to reopen on Monday 15 June.

However, as the majority of Cleethorpes’ Jungle Zoo is indoors, this change in policy does not apply.

In order to secure their survival, the team have up a Go Fund Me page, which can be found here.

On their Facebook page, a spokesperson wrote:

“We have some rather bad news I’m afraid.

“Due to the zoo being half indoors we are still unable to open.

“I would just like to thank all of you who signed petitions and wrote to our local MP, at least zoos have now been discussed and we are extremely pleased that all the out door ones are able to open.

“We will keep you updated with any more news as soon as we receive it.”

Speaking to Gi Media, local wildlife rescuer and friend of the Jungle Zoo’s owner, Aaron Goss, added:

“I have set up this page, alongside the team at the Jungle Zoo to help keep them afloat during this very tough time.

“The zoo itself cost roughly £3000 a month just to keep it going before food costs, roughly £1600 alone goes to electricity for exotic animals.

“With the Zoo being closed for almost three months already it is quickly eating away at reserves used for winter closed periods.

“Its so important to keep attractions like this for Cleethorpes and that is why I stepped in to help them.”

It was hoped that the zoo would be allowed to reopen on June 15.

However, as the majority of the zoo is indoors, this wont be possible and the Jungle Zoo will remain closed until further notice.

It has already been closed for three months due to the crisis.

You can donate to the Jungle Zoo here.

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