
New rules on face coverings

New rules on face coverings

New rules on face coverings

In light of the coronavirus crisis, the Department of Transport have issued a comprehensive list of the new rules regarding face coverings which will be in place as of Monday 15 June.

They have stated that as of Monday 15 June, everyone in England must wear a face covering when travelling by public transport.

Under the new rules, transport operators will be able to prevent passengers who refuse to follow the rules from travelling and police will be able to issue fines of £100

It is expected that over 3,000 extra staff will be deployed from Monday to support the travelling public and enforce these new rules.

They will be on hand to remind people about the need to wear face coverings and assist vulnerable passengers.

Staff will also be handing out additional face coverings for passenger use.

In a statement issued yesterday, a spokesperson for the department said:

“The advice is clear that people should continue to avoid taking public transport where possible, but by mandating the use of face coverings Government is asking passengers to play their part in helping to protect each other as the numbers of people travelling gradually start to rise across the country, following the careful easing of restrictions when it’s safe to do so.

“Over 3,000 extra staff from British Transport Police, Network Rail, Train Operating Companies and Transport for London will be deployed from Monday at key transport hubs and interchanges across England – providing dedicated reassurance, advice and friendly assistance to people as they follow social distancing guidance.”

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps added:

“We’ve seen how the Covid-19 pandemic has unlocked a community spirit right across our nation, and we now need to extend this to our transport network so we can help keep one another safe.

“If you do need to travel, in the same way that you would pick up your phone, wallet or keys when you leave the house, please remember to bring a face covering.

“Our fantastic transport staff will be on hand to provide help and advice, and free coverings will be given out at key train stations to help kick-start this initiative. This is another small, sensible step we can all take to help us defeat this virus.”

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