Refurbishment at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre
Refurbishment work costing around £100K is currently underway at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre, to ensure improvements are achieved while the centre is closed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The investment by North East Lincolnshire Council is a continuation of earlier works carried out to improve energy efficiency.
The most recent works began at the beginning of June, and are set to be completed by August.
They include the refurbishment of all dry side changing facilities, both fitness studios, the health suite and steam room.
Councillor Callum Procter, portfolio holder for leisure, said:
“I’m delighted we’ve been able to secure investment into these facilities to benefit users of the centre.
“Close working with our partner, ENGIE, and their contractors has allowed us to start this work at a time when we can guarantee no disruption to centre users for the majority of the works.
“The investment of over £100,000 shows our commitment to ensuring that the leisure facilities in North East Lincolnshire are at a good standard for users.”
The leisure centre is set to reopen once government guidelines are relaxed, potentially next month.
Works are being managed by the council’s regeneration partern, ENGIE, with local contractor, Topcon Construction Ltd, carrying out the works together with Lincs Inspire Limited.
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