Weapons, cash and drugs seized across North Lincolnshire
Over the past several weeks, Humberside Police have carried out some 132 warrants at properties across North Lincolnshire, seizing weapons, cash and drugs.
Officers have now arrested 600 people as part of Operation Galaxy, an increase of 31 since 5pm on Friday.
However, many of these arrests have been in relation to other serious offences which have had a huge impact on the most vulnerable people in our communities, from domestic abuse and sexual offences to robberies and violent crime.
On Friday, Humberside Police served warrants at at addresses on Wharfedale Way, Westerdale Way and Sidney Road in Grimsby.
Three people were arrested, and Class A, B and C drugs were seized.
They have been released as the investigation into the crimes continues.
Cash, phones, handguns and knives were also recovered in the raids.
The raids come after several weeks of sustained effort by the Operation Galaxy team to tackle serious crime in northern Lincolnshire.
Neighbourhood Inspector for Grimsby East, Dave Stephenson, said:
“Yesterday, we seized a quantity of heroin and cannabis as a result of a warrant at a property in Wharfdale Way, Grimsby, where we arrested a 49-year-old woman on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs and possession of Class B or C drugs.
“Following warrants earlier this week at properties on Westerdale Way and Sidney Road, both in Grimsby, a 37-year-old man was arrested concerned with the supply of Class A drugs and possession of Class B drugs and a 34-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs.
“Both men were found at the first address.
“At this property, we seized a quantity of cannabis, cash, phones, two gas-powered handguns and three knives and we hope that the community will feel safer knowing these drugs and weapons are now off the streets.
“The two men have been released under investigation as we continue our enquiries.
“We have also been arresting suspects wanted for sexual offences.
“On Tuesday, June 23, an 18-year-old man from Cleethorpes was arrested on suspicion of rape, in connection with a report made to us in March this year of a rape inside an address in 2019.”
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