Help protect Bradley Woods
Visitors to Bradley Woods have been urged to help protect one of Grimsby’s most important natural wonders by acting responsibly as lockdown is eased and visitor numbers increase.
It has been reported that some visitors driving to the site are blocking the single-track access road by parking badly.
As such, North East Lincolnshire Council have issued a plea asking visitors to avoid stopping if the car park is full or to consider visiting on foot or by bike instead.
Bradley Woods, which is over 1000 years old, is one of North East Lincolnshire’s most important sites for visitors and wildlife.
It has remained largely unchanged ever since it was established.
Bradley Woods is one of four irreplaceable local nature reserves, alongside Weelsby Wood, Cleethorpes sand dunes and Cleethorpes Country Park.
The Council are therefore also requesting that people refrain from removing or uprooting pieces of wood from the area.
To do so can contribute to the endangerment of several species including birds, bats and insects.
It is also considered an act of criminal damage for which you can be prosecuted.
Many species, including birds, beetles, bats and badgers, call the woods home, and are a large part of why the area is so important.
Deer also use the woods as a refuge and badgers forage for food on the woodland floor.
More than 130 different types of beetle have been found in Bradley Woods. The insects lay their eggs in dead wood and are important part of the eco-system, often as food for birds.
The most common beetle species have declined by 75 per cent across the UK since 1970 and several are endangered, verging on extinction.
Councillor Stewart Swinburn, cabinet member for environment at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:
“Protecting the ancient woodland is a priority for North East Lincolnshire Council.
“Visitors to the woods are welcome, but should be considerate when and take care to keep dogs under control at all times.
“People have recently been found blocking the single-track road in and out which causes problems for others, especially Council vehicles carrying out important work at the site.
“If the car park is full, please don’t stop or block Bradley Road.
“Please also stick to the paths to avoid disturbing protected species and potentially committing a criminal offence.”
North East Lincolnshire Council ecology manager, Rachel Graham, added:
“Ecology officers have recently had to remove sycamore trees planted in the woodland.
“While sycamore is naturalised, it spreads prolifically and can out-compete other trees which would cause significant damage to the precious ancient woodland.
“It’s also hard to know what is being transferred with the soil that brought in, it could be detrimental to the precious and rare habitat.
“Bradley Woods is predominantly oak, a native species, and has been for more than 1000 years. Please don’t plant anything or do anything that would risk the future of the woods.”
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