
New bus shelters to be installed in Cleethorpes

New bus shelters to be installed in Cleethorpes

New bus shelters to be installed in Cleethorpes

New bus shelters are set to be installed along a stretch of the High Street in Cleethorpes next week.
North East Lincolnshire Council have said that this grant-supported redesign of the shelters is among the final works to take place.

Temporary bus shelters on both sides of the street are being replaced with permanent structures which will mirror the one installed at the top of Sea View Street.

Minor works will take place to the bus layby area on the roadside going towards Alexandra Road.

Granite paving will then be re-instated.

Works are due to begin on Monday, July 27, and are expected to take up to five days.

The Council have said that very little disruption to traffic or pedestrians is expected, as work has been co-ordinated to ensure it is taking place at the same time.

The bus stop outside High Street car park will be closed during the work.

Affected bus routes will be diverted, and Stagecoach will be directing people to alternative bus shelters along St Peter’s Avenue and Sea Road.

The stop on the other side of High Street will remain open.

Thus far, regeneration works have seen landscaping, replanting, new and safer road layouts, repaving and resurfacing to improve the look and feel of the resort.

Councillor John Fenty, said:

“Whilst we do understand and appreciate that these works have caused disruption in some areas, I think everyone would agree that they have made a huge difference to the resort when you walk or drive through.

“I am delighted to see their near completion and wish Cleethorpes businesses a good summer season, with visitors now returning as lockdown is eased.

“The continued success and growth of the resort has a significant part to play in a successful future for the whole of North East Lincolnshire.”

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