Plans for new school in Scunthorpe
Plans for a new school in Scunthorpe have been revealed, with Wellspring Academy Trust approved to run the new facility for post-16 students with special education needs.
The need for the free school has been identified, with the intention being to support young people into higher education and employment.
It is not yet clear where the school will be situated.
Local MP Holly Mumby-Croft has welcomed the new development, saying:
“I hope that this new development will provide a coherent pathway through each level of education in Scunthorpe, allowing the transition from St. Luke’s Primary Special School, to St. Hugh’s Secondary Special School, to our proposed free special school.
“This transition will allow students the targeted support and advice they need to reach higher education or employment.
“As the trust works to convert our vision into reality, the next stage will see the Education Minister decide whether to enter into a funding agreement with the trust, then a provisional opening date will be set.
“I will, of course, play my part to support North Lincolnshire Council and the trust by making representations on their behalf to the Government.”
A letter from Education Ministers Baroness Berridge and Vicky Ford added:
“The new school will help to meet the need for additional, specialist, high quality places in the area.”
Wellspring Academy Trust already has twenty special and alternative academies.
Following a successful bid by North Lincolnshire Council, the trust have been approved to establish the new free special school.
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