
Scartho first in line for new bins

Scartho first in line for new bins

Scartho first in line for new bins

Deliveries of new recycling bins will start in North East Lincolnshire this week – with Scartho top of the list.

The first bins are due to be dropped off tomorrow (Tuesday, July 28) in Scartho.

All households will receive an instructional leaflet with their new bins, with copies also on the recycling bins page on the council website.

A specialist delivery company is delivering bins and leaflets to about 4,000 homes per week until late Autumn.

About 150,000 new bins will arrive at homes and residents can now check their delivery date at

North East Lincolnshire Council wrote to all households in the area last week to let them know about their new recycling bins.

Copies of the letter are on the recycling bins page of the Council website.

The new bins replace existing recycling boxes and people should start using them as soon as they arrive.

Mark your bins with your house number and make a note of the unique reference number on the side of the bins, so you know which is yours.

Collection days will remain the same for most homes until early 2021.

There are no changes to collections for household waste, garden waste or collections from communal bins.

The Council is writing to about 2,000 properties without a front garden, where the main access for the bins is via an alleyway, to look at other options available to them.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for Environment and Transport at North East Lincolnshire Council, said: “We’re making it easier for people to recycle more and waste less with these new bins.

“It’s part of a massive transformation for recycling in North East Lincolnshire.

“Bins are being delivered one round at a time and we aim to have them all out before the busy Christmas holiday.”

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