
Council leader responds to Covid-19

Council leader responds to Covid-19

Council leader responds to Covid-19

Speaking at the first full council meeting in five months, council leader Philip Jackson responded to the North East Lincolnshire Council’s management of the Covid-19 crisis, saying that it has been a “major area of focus in recent weeks”.

Philip Jackson also congratulated the council’s workforce for maintaining key public services through the pandemic.

He continued:

“It is of great credit to workforce that key public services have been maintained throughout in contrast to some other local authorities.

“Flexibility in the way they do their jobs, agile working, use of IT, undertaking different roles, working from home, innovation. We need to build on this.

“The voluntary and community sector has played a huge part in in supporting the response to the pandemic, and we must build on the strength of this sector.

“Work with care homes on infection control, local shielding arrangements, administration of business support grants and general support for the most vulnerable show how effective and agile our place-based arrangements and relationships are.”

The meeting at Grimsby Town Hall was broadcast virtually, with a handful of councillors attending in person.

In reflecting on a busy five months, Councillor Jackson outlined the additional financial challenges coronavirus has created for the council – extra costs and reduced income.

He also reflected on the measures taken to protect the community in the face of Covid-19, warning against complacency.

This comes as it is announced that parts of Northern England will see greater lockdown measures reintroduced.

“As we start to focus on recovery, we must guard against complacency and strike right balance between supporting local economic recovery and managing the continuing public health risk,” Councillor Jackson added.

“Cabinet has approved our Outbreak Management Plan which enables us to support business, communities, schools and so on, and focus on prevention and suppression of the virus.

“Autumn and winter will be a challenge – we are fully engaged with NHS and Local Resilience Forum colleagues on planning, local engagement and risk management.”

A full transcript of Philip Jackson’s speech can be found here.

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