
Exam results appeals policy suddenly suspended

Gavin Williamson

Exam results appeals policy suddenly suspended

The exams regulator announced it was reviewing its guidance on how to appeal against A-level and GCSE grades using mock exam results – just hours after publishing it.

Yesterday (Saturday) Ofqual published guidance about its appeals process announced by Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, pictured.

But late last night, Ofqual’s board said it was reviewing its own criteria for students who hope to challenge their A-level grades on the basis of their mock exam results.

Ofqual said in a statement: “Earlier today we published information about mock exam results in appeals. This policy is being reviewed by the Ofqual Board and further information will be published in due course.”

Almost 40% of A-level grades were marked down from teachers’ predictions and thousands of students have been left devastated.

One student, rejected by her chosen university after she was downgraded, told schools minister Nick Gibb: “You’ve ruined my life.”

The government announced on Friday that schools would not have to pay to appeal against exam grades.

Neither A-level nor GCSE students were able to sit public exams this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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