
Surge in night-time vehicle thefts

Surge in night-time vehicle thefts

Surge in night-time vehicle thefts

Humberside Police have reported a dramatic surge in overnight thefts of high-value vehicles in Scunthorpe and North Lincolnshire.

Car owners, especially those with keyless entry, are now being warned to take extra precautions and be aware following the recent rise.

Humberside Police have advised owners to ensure that their vehicles are always kept physically secure and alarmed, and to consider using steering wheel locks, tracking devices, and signal blocking key pouches.

Many Land Rovers and Range Rovers with keyless entry have been targeted overnight.

Last week, a male suspect from Thorne was taken into police custody following the pursuit of a stolen Range Rover.

It had been reported stolen at around 1.40am and was found abandoned in Crowle.

Humberside Police Detective Inspector Wendy Lusby said:

“We are working hard to catch suspects intent on taking what is not rightfully theirs.

“We have had a successful arrest and vehicle recovery this week in relation to one of the recent thefts and there is a lot of ongoing investigation work taking place behind the scenes working to bring further offenders into custody.

“We know how much a theft of this nature can impact your life, as most people rely on their vehicles to go about their daily business like travelling to work or visiting family.

“I want to reassure you that burglary and vehicle theft remain priority areas for our teams and we will act upon any report of a stolen vehicle.

“It is never your fault for falling victim to this type of crime and you should be able to enjoy your property without fear of it being stolen.

“However, we would like to offer some crime prevention advice aimed at making it more difficult for criminals to target your vehicles.”

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