
Action taken over saltmarsh on resort beach

Action taken over saltmarsh on resort beach

Action taken over saltmarsh on resort beach

The Cleethorpes Beach Safety team has been out clearing the sand of encroaching saltmarsh recently.

“This is essential work. If it was left unmaintained Cleethorpes’ beach would become one big saltmarsh!” said a spokesperson.

The spread of thick saltmarsh vegetation along the front between Humberston Fitties and Cleethorpes has long been a controversial issue for North East Lincolnshire Council.

Particular concerns have been raised by locals about the spread of the marsh along the beach and its potential to affect the tourism industry.

However, the Humber Estuary is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) as it contains habitat types and species which are rare or threatened and this protects the saltmarsh, although Natural England has given permission for a managed programme of removal from the busiest areas north of the leisure centre.

Beach Safety was given the thumbs up for the work by followers on social media.

One wrote: “So happy to see this! So many UK seaside resort beaches have been lost to encroaching saltmarsh which results in loss of tourist trade revenue. Needs to be stripped back and then it will be a great outlook from the beach huts on to sandy beach.”

Another said: “Well done guys… saw you out there this morning… shame it all can’t be cleared.”

While another added: “Great work. Thank you.”

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