
Another Grimsby town centre site set for major upgrade

Grimsby town centre revamp

Another Grimsby town centre site set for major upgrade

Riverhead Square will be the next Grimsby site to be transformed after funding has been approved by the council.

North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner ENGIE will now begin a detailed examination of the square – using Government money that can only be spent on urban regeneration.

The acceptance of some initial funding, which was approved by councillors at a full Cabinet meeting this week, will allow designers to progress ideas for the square, which could include an attractive waterside public space for events, festivals and outdoor activity.

This will complement the projects currently on site at Garth Lane and St James’ Square. It will also take account of the work that will be done if the town is successful in winning its £25 million bid from the Future High Streets Fund (FHSF). This involves moving Top Town Market and introducing a cinema at the Flottergate Mall end of Freshney Place.

The full Riverhead Square scheme will be worked up using a slice of a £1 million Government grant, which has recently been awarded to North East Lincolnshire as part of a national Covid-recovery scheme. Called the ‘Accelerated Towns Fund’, it can only be spent on assisting town centres to recover in the wake of the continued pandemic.

An online survey has shown that scores of local residents want the Riverhead to be a place for people to meet at the ‘heart of the town centre’. Eighty four per cent said it should be a place for people to meet and spend time.

North East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet member for Regeneration Cllr John Fenty said: “What the results of this online engagement show, is how much the public want a square that is attractive, that is safe and that brings the communities of Great Grimsby and North East Lincolnshire together.

“Here we have an opportunity to create just that – something that is in keeping with the work that is going on elsewhere and that re-purposes this central and important town centre area. These are exciting times.”

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