
Plans to build 70 new homes

Plans to build 70 new homes

Plans to build 70 new homes

Developers Keyo Agricultural Services have submitted plans for 70 new homes on Island Carr Road in Brigg to North Lincolnshire Council.

This would see the former Falcon Cycles building demolished to make room for the new-builds.

The planning application reads:

“The application site is situated to the north of Island Road.

“The site is currently owned by Keyo Agricultural Services and leased to Actavo who are a hire and sales company.

“The site benefits from being near the town centre and within a prominent position. The proposed scheme has evolved through careful consideration of the sites attributes.

“The scheme provides a well-designed layout which reflects the pre-app advice.

“A mixture of housings within the site will appeal to a wide range of buyers. The tree lined entrance will contribute to the street scene and enhance the surrounding area.

“The proposal well exceeds recommended separation distances to the existing and proposed dwellings and integrates within the surrounding area.

“The proposal includes landscaping to provide leafy avenues within the site. The site is within a sustainable location and services are available by foot or bike within 0.4m.

“A drainage scheme has been provided to demonstrate surface water can be discharged in an adequate and sustainable manor.

“The flood mitigation measures will ensure the homes are safe. In the circumstances of this proposal therefore, it is respectfully suggested that the planning application should be supported.”

In addition to 70 new homes, 10 two-bedroomed properties, 16 three-bedroomed, 30 four-bedroomed and 14 ‘affordable’ units, the development would feature an area for over 55s.
Consultations are due to end on October 1.
The proposal will then be reviewed and decided upon by a planning committee.

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