Put your questions to local police
Grimsby and North Lincolnshire local Neighbourhood Policing Teams are hosting online community catch-ups with anyone invited to join in.
The first one takes place tomorrow (Thursday) when Inspector Dave Stephenson will be using Zoom to host a half-an-hour event about policing the Grimsby east wards, from 3pm.
The local Neighbourhood Inspector hosts each event, giving an update on all the work the team has been doing recently to keep our streets safe.
There is then an opportunity for members of the community to ask questions or raise any concerns that they want the team to be aware of.
Upcoming sessions are as follows, with more to be added in the coming weeks:
– Thursday 17 September, 3pm -3.30pm, Grimsby East with Inspector Dave Stephenson
– Friday 18 September, 3pm – 3.30pm, North Lincolnshire rural with Inspector Mark Fletcher
– Wednesday 23 September, 4pm – 4.30pm, Grimsby West with Inspector Martin Hopper
– Thursday 24 September, 3pm – 3.30pm, North Lincolnshire rural with Inspector Mark Fletcher
– Tuesday 29 September, 4pm – 4.30pm, Grimsby West with Inspector Martin Hopper
– Wednesday 7 October, 3pm – 3.30pm, Grimsby East with Inspector Dave Stephenson
To join the meetings all you need to do is click here on the time and date of the meeting you are wishing to attend.
It shouldn’t ask you for a meeting ID and Passcode but in case it does they are:
Meeting Id: 389 990 7366
Passcode: 1SHVd4
If you’re not able to attend your local session you can also share concerns or information with Humberside Police by taking its Humber Talking survey here.
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