Britain has reached a ‘perilous turning point’, says PM
A raft of new lockdown rules has been announced by the Prime Minster in a dramatic statement to Parliament this afternoon.
He said the restrictions could last for another six months – putting the Christmas plans of some families in jeopardy.
Boris Johnson is now set to give a live television address to the nation at 8pm.
Headlines from today’s speech to MPs include:
Hospitality businesses to close at 10pm
Weddings limited to a maximum of 15 people
Face masks compulsory for retail staff and fines for breaking the rules will increase
Office workers to stay at home if they can
Restaurants only allowed to have table service available.
All indoor sports, including five-a-side football, will be put on hold as well as the plan for fans to return to sports stadia from October 1.
Face masks will also need to be worn in taxis and other private hire cars, as the fines for not wearing one was doubled to £200 by the PM.
Boris Johnson also insisted on the importance to continue to social distance and wash hands regularly, while telling the public to wear face coverings in all restaurants and bars unless sitting down to eat.
The PM told the House of Commons he would provide police and local authorities with extra funding to enforce the regulations and could draw on military support.
He said this was “by no means a return to the full lockdown of March”, with no general instructions to stay at home. Businesses, schools, colleges and universities will remain open.
In the last fortnight, hospital admissions have doubled and Covid-19 is likely to spread faster in winter, Boris Johnson said, adding: “So this is the moment when we must act.”
He said Britain had reached a “perilous turning point” like in France and Spain, and this had forced him to act.
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