
NELC and E-Factor SURGE Ahead with Visitor Economy Support

Focussing on Survival, Unity, Recovery and Growth in the Economy, a brand new business clinic has been announced for those in the tourism and hospitality sector in North East Lincolnshire.  Sessions are now available to be booked and will be hosted by Rob Marklew.

Over the course of Spring and Summer, local businesses have faced unprecedented challenges and uncertainty when faced with new COVID guidelines and regulations, whilst dealing with changes in consumer confidence, which has been on a roller-coaster, to say the least.

The E-Factor Business Support team are dedicated to the success of local business and through their ERDF GAIN programme are currently focussing on the best ways to assist businesses in our key priority sectors for the area.

To this end, E-Factor has teamed up with the NELC Economy and Growth team, to launch a regular Business Clinic at the Town Hall, in Cleethorpes, to inform and advise businesses in the Visitor Economy sector; including attractions, hospitality, accommodation and destination retailers.

Overcoming the winter months has been identified as key to long term survival and E-Factor together with NELC are keen to engage with businesses in order to update them about changes to our local Tourism offer and the specific support available to them through this fully funded programme.

  • Online Workshops
  • Market research and information about your area of business
  • Legal Requirements and Guidance
  • Business Planning
  • Funding & Finance guidance
  • Marketing and Sales advice
  • One to One support
  • Business health check

Sessions are now available at the new “SURGE” Clinics, focussing on Survival, Unity, Recovery, and Growth in the Economy, and will be hosted by Rob Marklew from E-Factor and Deborah Cooper, Visitor Economy Investment Officer for NELC.

Cllr John Fenty, Cabinet member for regeneration at NELC, said: “2020 has been a turbulent year with winners and losers as we grapple with the do’s and don’ts of Covid conformance. Recovery is now our greatest focus and we are determined to be there for local businesses, and importantly to support new business start-ups: enquires to start a new business are running at record highs as many eye the opportunity to become entrepreneurs. Businesses new and old have a great opportunity to take up the offer of support available.”

The first session takes place on Wednesday 4th November, and any business from the visitor economy sector wishing to book a slot should email Rob on .

Rob Marklew added that “The SURGE clinics are designed for tourism businesses to have an informal, confidential discussion about their business, the consumer landscape and the support available to them. Appointments will be booked on a first come first served basis with all necessary COVID precautions in place at the venue. Video conference calls can be arranged for anyone wanting to meet remotely. Further details will be made available on the E-Factor Facebook page, .”


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