
The show will go on after Grimsby events company given Covid lifeline

The show will go on after Grimsby events company given Covid lifeline

The show will go on after Grimsby events company given Covid lifeline

A Grimsby events delivery and crewing company has been thrown a major lifeline with a £67,650 grant to help it through coronavirus.

Event Show Support CIC, which helped to deliver the popular Docks Drive-in at the Linden Club in the summer, has been successful in the first round of the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund (CRF) scheme.

The CRF, launched in July, is designed to help cultural organisations, performing arts, events, festivals and venues weather the impact of Covid-19.

Jimmy Johnson, director of Event Show Support, which provides skilled events crew to events and festivals across the UK, including the award-winning Festival of the Sky, said: “I cannot tell you how grateful ESS is to have been awarded the grant.

“We applied for the Culture Recovery Fund in August because we believe in the great work that our company does.

“We are passionate about the safe delivery of arts and culture. Our company provides the men and women in black, the skilled events professionals that are often not seen, yet are essential to the delivery of so many events, festivals and cultural activities that are loved and experienced by the great British public.”

He continued: “Coronavirus has had a massive and detrimental impact on our work and workforce. This funding will help us to survive and live to fight another day. We want to continue to support the workforce in our area and as a Community Interest Company (CIC) we are committed to training too.”

Despite the fact that Covid-19 has resulted in a loss of event work, Jimmy is determined to continue working with local stakeholders, such as the Grimsby Creates team, to ensure that his workforce and others are “ready” for when events return.

“We are looking to the future,” he said. “We must remain positive. Arts, culture and events will return and when they do, we will be ready to assist in the delivery of these projects. Without the Culture Recovery Fund, this would not be possible.”

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