Whole year groups stay at home as schools battle to contain virus
Entire year groups at some schools in North East Lincolnshire are being told to stay at home in the fight to stop the spread of Covid-19.
Year 11 of Tollbar Academy in New Waltham and Year 9 of Cleethorpes Academy are among those affected.
Both schools are part of the Tollbar MAT Family of Academies and due to break up on Friday for a two-week half term.
A letter to Tollbar Academy parents from principal Caroline Yates informed parents of the decision to partially close the academy for Year 11 students from today (Wednesday) until after half-term on Monday, November 2.
“The decision has been taken due to staff absence and a small number of cases within the Year 11 cohort,” said the letter. “All students required to isolate as a result of these cases have
been informed.”
“Assignments will be set on the Virtual Learning Environment (Frog) by your child’s subject teachers. Internal assessments will be rearranged and we will inform you of the new dates in due course.”
Other year groups have seen positive cases but are continuing to attend apart from those affected, similarly at Cleethorpes Academy apart from Year 9.
Both schools have told families they are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health England and added: “Please be reassured that for most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.”
Other primary and secondary schools in North East Lincolnshire are being forced to deal with similar problems.
This comes after the area was placed in the medium alert (tier one) category by the Government from today (Wednesday).
This means North East Lincolnshire is under Covid restrictions for England, but not additional local rules. However, there are fears the area could move into the high alert tier due to an increase in cases.
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