
Ancient tree felled to make way for HS2

Ancient tree felled to make way for HS2

Ancient tree felled to make way for HS2

An ancient pear tree in Warwickshire has been chopped down to make way for the HS2 high-speed rail line.

The Cubbington pear tree won England’s tree of the year competition in 2015 and is believed to have been growing near the village for more than 250 years.

It was voted tree of the year in a poll run by the Woodland Trust and the group had campaigned for it to be saved.

But HS2 said the Cubbington pear, near Leamington Spa, would live on in the form of saplings grown from cuttings.

A Tweet from the Woodland Trust yesterday (Tuesday) said: “We are deeply shocked and upset to learn that @HS2ltd felled the #CubbingtonPearTree today.

“There is no replacing the centuries of history and beauty that this tree has given to the Cubbington area. Our sympathies go out to local people and all tree-lovers.”

The conservation charity also raised concerns that the tree was felled after promises the stump and rooting structure would be relocated to provide an opportunity for the parent tree to regrow.

The tree sat on the phase one line of the route between London and the West Midlands.

Campaigners said workmen using diggers and saws took just 90 minutes to hack the tree down.

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