
North Lincolnshire moves to Covid Tier 2

North Lincolnshire moves to Covid Tier 2

North Lincolnshire moves to Covid Tier 2

Restrictions in North Lincolnshire are set to change from midnight on Saturday 31 October as the area moves into Covid Tier 2, it has been announced.

The area will join many other areas in Tier 2 following a recent increase in the rate of Covid-19 cases in the area.

Under the new restrictions people in across North Lincolnshire will no longer be able to mix in any indoor setting with people you don’t live with – unless you are in a support bubble with them.

Northern Lincolnshire is set to receive an additional £1m in government support.

Councillor Rob Waltham, Leader of North Lincolnshire Council said:

“Whilst infection rates in North Lincolnshire remains lower than in many parts of the country, we have still experienced a rising number of positive cases in most recent weeks particularly among those aged over 59. These are among the groups most at risk.

“It is this, the very real risk to our older residents, our mums, our dads, our grandmothers and grandfathers, which has caused most concern and led us to be move up a tier in the Local Covid Alert Levels.

“I would urge everyone in North Lincolnshire to follow the guidance in order to protection the most vulnerable people in our communities and not only avoid tougher measures being introduced but go back to Medium.

“I understand this requires sacrifices, especially families not being allowed to meet socially indoors, but if we all play our part we can reduce the spread of the virus, protect the NHS and return North Lincolnshire to the lowest alert level.

“Now would be a good time to download and complete the council’s Personal Covid-Secure Plan designed to help people put in place measures to stop the spread of the virus.

“There will be some impact upon people’s lives and upon a number of businesses but we have secured access to immediate Government monies to help those businesses navigate these uncertain times.”

North East Lincolnshire, East Riding and Hull are also being placed into Tier 2.

This means that as of Saturday 31 October, people in North Lincolnshire must not meet up with family or friends in any indoor setting, unless you’ve formed a support bubble with them.

You can meet friends and family who you don’t live with outdoors, for example, in a private garden, parks and open spaces, but you must keep 2m apart.

The rule of 6 still applies.

You can continue to travel for work purposes and to venues, but you should reduce the number of journeys and work from home where possible.

Education settings, shopping, retail, leisure and gyms will remain open, as will  hospitality services. Rules regarding the 10pm closing time and table service still apply.

Residential care homes will close to external visitors other than in exceptional circumstances.

Those considered clinically extremely vulnerable are advised to have contact with as few people as possible.

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