
Grimsby NHS staff vaccination hub open

Grimsby have opened their first vaccination hub which is located with in their grounds.

Grimsby NHS staff vaccination hub open

Diana Princess of Wales Hospital, have opened their first vaccination hub today for NHS staff with in hospital grounds.

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The hospital have chosen to open the hub in their lecture theatre which is no longer being used due to the pandemic.

The trust have stated: “opening a second hub will allow us to vaccinate staff at a faster pace”.

“We are offering appointments to our high risk staff and frontline staff. JCVI recommends priority should be given to front line staff ‘at high risk of acquiring infection’.”

Frontline staff includes but is not limited to mortuary staff, bank staff, volunteers, nurses and other roles which involve patient contact.

By opening the new hub this will mean NHS staff will not have to travel out of the local area for their vaccine and will speed up the process for others who are waiting.

Those in the vaccination queue will be contacted by the NHS and invited for a jab.

The two current vaccines which are available, Pfizer jab and the  Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine, will both be used in the vaccination programme in Grimsby.

Vaccines are being given to the most vulnerable first, as set out in a list of nine high-priority groups, covering around 30 million people.

The Government said:  “tens of millions of people will be immunised by the spring at more than 2,700 vaccination sites across the UK.

“Two million people a week will be vaccinated”.

The document adds that by the end of January everyone in England will be within 10 miles of a vaccination site.

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