Home Secretary: ‘tougher’ lockdown restrictions
More fines are being issued for people who travel for exercise whilst under the national lockdown.
Minority of people are refusing to follow COVID rules, says police chief.
Last week saw many tourists gather at Cleethorpes for daily “exercise” in large groups.
Humberside Police were stopping people to question the reason to why they were there.
Humberside police issued a statement on Tuesday which said: “The latest government regulations don’t stipulate a set distance with regards to exercise.”
“our officers will individually assess every situation they come across, using enforcement as a last resort when appropriate.”
Home Secretary Priti Patel has been leading a press conference at Downing Street, giving the latest on the government’s response to the pandemic.
During the briefing, the enforcement of lockdown restrictions was on the agenda after reports of breaches of the rules across the country over since Christmas.
The Home Secretary announced that the UK had recorded a further 45,533 cases of COVID-19 and 1,243 COVID deaths in the last 24 hours.
The Home Secretary added: “Police officers are now acting more quickly to issue fines where people ‘are clearly breaching coronavirus regulations’.
She added that if people do not play their part, police officers will ‘enforce’ regulations and will receive her backing.
No guidance has been released to state how far you are allowed to travel if doing exercise during the national lockdown.
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