
Range of free online courses available through North Lincolnshire Council

Develop your skills!

North Lincolnshire Council have a range of subjects for adult education and learning that will support you to learn new skills, progress to further learning and help find employment or improve your career prospects.

Many of the courses are currently free due to the pandemic to encourage people to further their learning while at home.

The courses are so varied and there’s something for everyone! From learning how to cook on a budget to sign language, employability, digital skills, childcare, money matters and much much more.

Many of the courses ask that you are 19+ years of age by 31 August 2020 and have lived in the UK for over 3 years.

Adult learning has many benefits like keeping the mind active, keeping up with changes in the world and sets a good example for future generations.

Find a course what’s right for you by clicking on the link below and jump into the world of adult learning.




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